Specialty coffee refers to the quality of the coffee. Specialty beans are those that score 80+ points on a cupping sheet. At Omnia Coffee Roasters, we focus on coffees that score over 85 points, with the occasional "Super Coffee" which has very unique tasting notes and a score above 90 points

Coffee is a seasonal crop. At Omnia Coffee Roasters, we recognize the value of providing the most current crop around the world. If you are attached to a particular coffee, get it while you can. Although crops don't last long, we take the time to replace a current coffee with an equally satisfying coffee.

Meet Sameer Sidi, Founder and Roast Master of Omnia Coffee Roasters. With over 20 years of experience in the coffee industry, he has developed an acute palate for coffee. His job is to source, score and roast some of the best coffees Toronto has to offer.